"Mabuhay" - all about Philiphines !
If you are observant, you'll notice that I've been overwhelmed( in a good way )with a lot of Philipines culture lately. Ceha and Happy ( trainees from Philipines) have done a good job as their country's ambassador. I reckon that the Philipines's spell work its way to me just like what Thailand did to me till I took up Thai language lesson. There were mainly 3 simple ingredients of the Thai's spell :
1st - A handful of warm and genuine people.
It's always the first impression that decide whether or not I like the country.
2nd - A taste of the country's music.
In Thailand case study, it was Bird Tongcai - the famous evergreen singer of Thailand with fans aged from 3 to 70. No exaggerations. You can 'google' on him :)
3rd - An exposure of the culture.
Thai culture still resides a big part in me.
How can I not like 'Tom Yam Kung'(tom yam prawn), 'Pad Thai'(Thai fried noodle),'Khao Pad Sapparot'(pineapple fried rice) or 'Gang Kiau Wan Gai'(green curry chicken)?
How can I not fancied by the history of 'King of Ramayana' nor the polite manner adopted by Thai like referring anyone elder with "Pee" or anyone younger with "Nung"?
Or just by saying "Sawasdeeka" with hands put together as a way of greeting people?
And now the Philipine's spell work its way as below :
1st - The warm , bubbly, and affectionate Philipine's ambassadors.
Namely animated, expressive and affectionate Cerille and happy-go-lucky Happy. (as the name suggests)
2nd - The heart-melting local famous acoustic band.
Nyoy Volante.
You can pay a visit to http://www.clickthecity.com/event/detail.asp?evid=11513
If you are interested, you can let me know and I'll get you a copy. ( privillege given to my friends only)
3rd - My first try on Philipines food.
Enjoy it so far.
I was invited to join the Philipines babes and Ceha for a Philipines cuisne in a Indonesian-cum-Malaysian-cum-Thai-cum-Philipines restaurant-cum-bar called "Cinta J". (read :"Cinta" in Malay means love, well J ,hmm.. go figure) We ordered this sago drink ( I forgot the name ), a beef cooked with a spagettie-like sauce ( *slurp*), a supposed-to-be 'sambal kangkung'(which turned out to be kangkung with chilies & spices) and my highlight of the meal , a egg-york custard ( and I forgot the name too, pardon me).
We enjoyed the dinner to the bits , suffice to say. And just when I felt it's one of greatest satisfaction of my day, the Philipines duo live band top it all up. From Brazil samba & cha cha songs to the greatest love songs of all, the Philipines duo spices up the vibes in the restaurant. The Brazillian patronizers who dined in the restaurant were moving their hips to the samba and cha-cha.
Well, great dinner, great vibes ,great songs and with great people around, what more can you ask for ? I was already feeling in cloud nine - am in my beach wear having a great meal in a restaurant by the beach in one of the exotic islands in Philipines :)

"Cinta J"

"San Miguel" beer

The Philipines duo band

Satisfied patronizers

The desert :)