I'm loving it ! *slurp slurp*
Today post is about the chinese favourite - FOOD. People might eat to live, but to chinese is all about living to eat. I wish all my food-loving friends are here with me so that I can share with them all the arousing gourmets that they have here in Hong Kong. Raised by a food-loving family and grew up in a small city reputated as food paradise - Ipoh, I am pretty much quite a gourmet-lover. During the weekend, one of my family favourite thing to do in town is food hunting. Though a food-lover, my stomach is pretty tolerant and flexible with me. If I have the money, my stomach will automatically craving for some good food. If not, she will tolerate with whatever food I feed her. Or if I want to save money for some travelling, she will be very understanding. Ever since I went to KL (read : Kuala Lumpur) for my studies, what matters to me at that time was to eat to live. KL has different standard of good food, in terms of the diversion of cuisine, you can have it all in KL. In terms of chinese local food, it's incomparable with my hometown. Till my favourite item in KL is still the mamak food. You know what I mean :) Price for the food in Hong Kong is expensive. If I go further on telling you the price, it probably kill your appetite. But if you are earning like the local standard, oahh lala ~~ let's go food hunting ! Enjoy the pictures below. I'll upload more if I have the time. ( It has become a ritual for me to take pictures of the food before I devour them.)

Asking me to diet like the local Hong Kong girls ??!! With these food around ??!! No way ! I would rather swim a few rounds to keep myself fit, healthy and at the same time, enjoying the biggest satisfaction of a human being -- LIVE TO EAT.