Nostalgia ...
AIESEC in Hong Kong was having their national conference last weekend and the trainees in HK were invited for a trainee session. I dragged along my fellow new European friends in PolyU ( there are like 30 more Europeans to arrive for a 2 or 3 months placement in PolyU under a program called IAESTA , pretty similar to AIESEC except that we don't have IAESTA in Malaysia). Attending AIESEC conference brings back all the nostalgia... the square dances, roll-calls, sculling ..only this time I'm in the role of a trainee, which make me feel special. When you are out of AIESEC, you'll realize there are really more than AIESEC in your life than the wonderland. The only thing missing is perhaps the amazing friendship you gained in AIESEC. Especially in the trainees circle, everyone link to someone in every part of the world and hence everyone know everyone. It really makes the world seem a whole lot more smaller !

The trainees and non-AIESEC trainees

Fung, Ricky, Jess, Smith, me, Cerille, Carol, Candy & Cherrie

Me up for a sculling , for the 1st time as trainee team

Yurgo, Cerille, Happy (Philipines) and me

My beloved people from PolyU
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